Running in the rain: officially ain't no thang. I'm always a sweaty
beast by the end anyway, so it's probably hard for anyone to deduce that
it wasn't raining on any given run.
I ran on Sunday, but I wasn't happy with it, so today is a do-over. It
was still pretty fast, but there was a few minutes of walking involved
(BOO). Speaking of...
I did a couple of 30-second walks today. For some reason, I just
couldn't get enough air to keep going. It probably didn't help that my
pace was a little agressive at first. Average was 10:49, including the
walking. Fast is fun, but my cardio isn't quite there yet.
Anyway, 3 solid miles of running. I think my last C25K run will be a
slightly slower full 5K, no walks. Here I come.