I've started running again, three runs in the past week or so. During one of those runs I thought, squinting pensively, didn't I have a blog related to running?

Over the past year, like many people I had a lot of time to reconsider what I value and what makes a fulfilling life. In the process of coming up with and sticking to new routines, those values have changed.
Every day the best dog in the world (Zoe) and I go for a walk at lunch. When there was more snow on the ground, this would be a snowshoe trip around a loop in the woods. And quite often a longer loop at the end of the day.
I got a lot of joy out of carefully following my tracks and making nice, even snowshoe trails. Zoe learned how to hop past me on the trail without falling into the deep unpacked snow. The solitude of being in the woods on trails only we had walked on wasn't lonely, it was satisfying.
Now that everyone's talking about a return to normal life, I've considered what I really want to change now. I think I'm happy "never" leaving our nice spot in the woods.