Having been officially called out in Nancy's latest blog, here's an update on all things runningchunk.
Nancy, Amy, and I are in the midst of what we're calling the team /var/run Training Plan of Doom (TPoD). It's essentially Hal Higdon's Advanced Half Marathon plan for Nancy, the same thing but with a bit less running and a lot more biking for me, and I think something similar to that for Amy. Zoe is on the OMG YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME RUNNING plan as usual. Anyway, occasional goofy group runs continue and are usually documented on Instagram.

This weekend's run was a 5K at 5K race pace. One of my goals for the year (see, just look at that blog draft over there where I totally talk about goals) is a sub-25-minute 5K. When I first started thinking about it I was shooting for the September-October-November-probably 2014 runningchunk.com 5K so I could totally smoke those schmoes, but somehow I felt like going for it on Sunday.
I made it, just, and it hurt. Seriously, this was hard. I usually whine about any run where I've done over 85% effort, but this was 100%. After I could see straight again, I plugged my 5K time into every half marathon race time predictor I could find (even though predicting 13.1 miles based on 3.11 miles is pretty darn bogus), and I'm feeling hopeful about a sub-2-hour half in Green Bay. Wood being knocked on for sure.
Now I'm sorta broken and for sure exhausted and the weather's bad again. But I'll be back out there tomorrow, chasing goals, chasing that feeling of accomplishment, and for sure chasing the dog.