Here, have a giant graphic.

This was a fun race. Not only did I finish, I beat my PR by more than 20 minutes. Gather 'round and I'll tell you the tale...
fade to flashback
Training began back in June. Nancy and I ran the Journeys Half Marathon back in May, and I managed a slower-than-hoped 2:45:11 after about 120 miles of training. This was my own fault, between being lazy and twisting my knee on some parking lot ice. So for Appleton, I cranked up the effort to increase training miles and decrease my weight. I got in about 175 miles over 13 weeks, along with a reasonable amount of biking between commuting to work and some longer rides.
Anyway, here's this thing.
We were expecting about 33°F at the start, but were pleasantly surprised by 40°F and clear skies. I realized I'd forgotten my long sleeve running shirt the night before, so we scrambled to find one, and I'm glad we did. Two layers of loose Under Armour, one short sleeve, New Balance 2-in-1 shorts (loose shorts with compression shorts liner), and Brooks Glycerin 9 shoes. Pretty much the fred of running.
I started out faster than I'd intended, but couldn't bring myself to slow down. My heart rate was stuck at 155, so I just plowed on at 11:00/mile. The course was flat, flat, flat, and the weather meant that my body wasn't wasting a lot of energy keeping cool.
The first four or five miles flew by. This is what that looked like.
I didn't really start to become aware of the effort until mile 9 or so. My heart rate was creeping up, but I was able to keep it from hitting 170 by slowing slightly and concentrating on my form and breathing. Sweet snot-like material was consumed from convenient packets at miles 4, 6.5, 9, and 11.5, and I managed to throw cups of Gatorade at my face with some accuracy at nearly every aid station.
As the miles ticked by, I was happy to notice that I was passing more than being passed. By the last mile, I was still feeling strong, so I bumped up the pace a bit more and prepared to GIVE'ER in the last couple of tenths. I hit those at a 8-something pace, and I set a new heart rate max at 198. That was probably dumb, but I recovered quickly and composed myself enough to collect a giant cup full of cookies and Arby's sandwiches at the finisher food tent.
Recovery was the usual beers and fried food at Mr. G's. No issues with cramping or lightheaded-ness at all, which means that I must've nailed hydration and nutrition, though the weather helped a lot too.
In all, it was a hell of a lot of fun, and Nancy and I both came away with great times, both temporal and experiential. A++++ would inflict pain on self again.
Anyway, here's some artsy shit.